Dan Siemon

It’s been a long time..

Wow, it’s been a long time since I have posted. So here is a grab bag of what has been going on.

The last semester of my undergraduate degree is almost over. Less than two weeks left.

I handed in my undergraduate thesis last week; the presentation is this Tuesday. Fortunately, I was able to get the main work of the project done a couple of weeks ago which left me with lots of time to write the final report. This is good because I am a slow writer. At some point I’ll probably post a PDF version of the report here. If you are considering doing an undergraduate thesis I certainly recommend it. It is really great to be able to work on something personally interesting and get credit for it. Of course that is the catch, if your not interested in the topic, it is probably very hard to force yourself to do the required work.

After the thesis presentation on Tuesday the only course work I have left is two assignments: one for distributed systems and one for cryptography.

Also on the university front, I received my acceptance to the MSc program a few weeks ago.

Starting my MSc in September will be exciting but for now I’m just looking forward to four months with no homework. I’m pretty much at the burnout point.

One goal I have for the summer (besides being outside a lot) is to catch up on my reading. I tend to get quite far behind during the school year. In order to catch up I have to read: 6 issues Communications of the ACM, 5 issues of Linux Journal, 2 issues of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 5 issues of Queue and a few other miscellaneous magazines. Plus all of the unread books that have been accumulating.

And of course, some blogging!

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